Friday, December 14, 2012

The Beginning of the End of an Eternal Bond

The Beginning of the End of an Eternal Bond
Why are many people so eager to get married? Is it the fact that you have an eternal bond with your partner that will potentially last forever? Marriage is simply the the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife. Why is everyone so eager to have the title of “husband” or “wife?” Marriage is almost nothing but words. Ultimately, today, many people’s “marriages” do not last forever. Over the past 40 years the divorce rate in America has increased substantially. Divorce is considered the legal end of a marriage. Traditional marriage is no longer as common as it used to be. Divorce is now seen in many, many families, and more and more people are getting divorced. People can be happy in a relationship, but is it necessary to get married? Although marriage used to be encouraged and praised, today it is recognized as a choice not a necessity. 
Why do people desire to marry? Although marriage is mostly just a title, people still take part in it. Being married is nothing more than a law-built statement. “Humans are communal and seek (and flourish in) social associations, beginning with the family. We are born as the result of human sexual communion; most often and most desirably that intimate communion occurs in a special relational community called marriage” (Wardle). Children are brought into the world learning about marriage so it becomes a part of what’s “traditional.” They want to grow to be as happy as their parents are or once were together. A person will want to have children and a “perfect” family. It’s in a person’s nature to want a family and with it comes the idea of marriage. Marriage was once a popular trend that everyone looked forward to doing whether it was with a person they loved or not. Marriage was needed, and almost forced, especially by parents who chose their child’s spouse for them. “...The history of marriage and marriage law includes the story of many popular fads that seemed to signify revolutionary changes in the nature and structure of the institution of marriage. Eventually, each faded and passed into oblivion, leaving only a few broken human relationships...” (Wardle). The thought of being with one person for a lifetime seems picture perfect, but is it really?
Many, many people are seeing that marriage is not necessary and that they can be happy living with their partner without having it lead to matrimony. Dimitra Hengen, a successful business woman, is one of these people. She states, “A lot of people do much better living on their own rather than in a marriage. I’m not saying that we don’t need companionship, but you need to assess this need against the things you have to give up when you marry, like your independence - and I don’t want to give those things up” (Masci). Partners may be satisfied with just living together or being in a relationship without the “marriage” title. A man or woman can commit themselves into a long term relationships without paying the marriage expenses. A person does not need marriage. Couples are not engaging in marriage because it is too restricting.
Divorce is becoming the new marriage. Over the past 50 years, with marriage rates dropping to a little over 50 percent, divorce rates have increased from 25 percent to 45. Since many people look poorly towards divorce, this should prevent people from marrying in the first place without risking the possibility of divorce. Divorce can be very depressing and makes a person dwell on how much a marriage, or relationship, did not work out. It can be very costly and time consuming, as well.
One main reason why couples decide on marriage is for kids. Have you realized that several young adults and even teens are having children out of wedlock? Marriage is no longer important. Children are not the reason why a marriage or relationships will grow or fail. If a marriage is to work, it will, and if not so be it. “Between 1996 and 2002, the number of cohabiting couples rose from 2.8 million to nearly 4.3 million, a trend that is expected to continue in the coming years” (Masci).
Marriage is known for being extremely expensive. The planning included. Do woman marry for finances? “The money [used to get married] could better be spent on education or job training, which help women become more self-sufficient and less in need of a husband” (Masci). People should only marry if they love their partner, not because of money. Women, or men, should be able to financially support themselves whether in a marriage or not. They shouldn’t depend on a marriage in order to be financially stable. There has been a tax code which requires married couples to pay greater taxes than singles. Many employers now are not favoring “married couples” with special pensions or health benefits. “For instance, Bank of America has redefined ‘family’ to include non-traditional household members - such as domestic partners or adult children living at home” (Masci).
Why does marriage fail? Well there are lots of reasons that may contribute. Today, people have a greater life span due to science. “Any existing cracks in an otherwise placid marriage will often produce significant fractures when such events occur, thus leading to divorce” (Ducanto). Not everyone matures at the same rate, including couples. Since medical science has increased the lifespan of people nowadays, married couples are together much longer than in the past. In the past, marriages would last about twenty years, at most. “During the past 100 years, the average life span of humans... has increased nearly 60 percent from the start of the 20th century (average 49 year) to 2010 (average 78 years)” (Ducanto). Now, since marriages could last twice as long as before, people eventually outgrow each other. They move on and follow different paths in life. Personalities change. People change. And life, also does change. Couples grow apart, maybe they get bored of the same routine and go look for something new. “Indeed, many marriages are destroyed by boredom and the need or necessity by one of the parties to exit the doldrums of their life for some excitement-any excitement-good or bad-known or unknown” (Ducanto). Another common, but not too common issue is that one spouse may engage in an affair or find attraction in another man or woman. As personalities grow and partners outgrow each other, they may engage themselves in someone who better fits their maturing personality. It is not anyone’s fault in particular why marriages fail. People grow and change and those are parts of life. The part of life that has changed today is that marriage is far outgrown and no longer traditional or necessary.
In conclusion, marriage, again, is not a life necessity. The thought of marriage brings happiness, but it’s something you may come to outgrowing. Maybe simply living with your significant other can bring just as much joy and pleasure as a marriage would. Marriages end and people move on to something bigger: divorce. Without the complications of marriage you can start and end relationships simply without dwelling on the failure for longer than needed. People need to continuously grow and develop, and changes will happen. It’s inevitable. Things may grow, and things may fail. Life happens and you have to let it happen. Engage in life not matrimony. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Too Many Feelings

     Everything feels so right.. Maybe I'm just crazy.. but who cares, I'm happy. No one has made me feel this way in a long time. Just being around him gives me crazy feelings inside. Little explosions of happiness. It makes me want to cry tears of joy every time. I don't have to think about it. Nothing's forced, the way it should be. It is what it is and it just is. I know that when I'm not with him I wish I was but at the same time I'm happy either way because I get to look forward to seeing him again. He's one of my best friends and he's always there. Even when he's not, he is, it's perfect. No more too much of this and too much of that. Things are wonderful and I can't wait to see this develop. It's like taking photographs and anticipating to finish the role of film just so you can see the final results. The negatives are the positives.
     For a little while I was hesitant and maybe even skeptical because I felt like I needed to see him more than I do. I don't. Things will be healthier and more exciting if I don't. The two things I need most: health and excitement. And trust me, it sure as hell is fucking excitement.
I get to be me, working and focusing on me, while at the same time get to see this going and becoming something so utterly wonderful.
     I guess waiting and having hope is worth it. There were so many times where I've said "It's never going to happen" and "What am I doing?" But you know, when you least expect it, the most outstanding things can happen. Honestly, I'm still in shock but I'm accepting it and it feels so great. Actually getting what you've always wanted is the most exciting and satisfying feeling. I would honestly, not that I could ever move on from this, wait forever. Even though it's happened, I would still wait. He's just worth it. Always has been and always will be. Who knows why, maybe for every reason but sometimes you can't help your feelings let alone understand them.
     Those three little words have never meant so much. Especially coming from him. Every time he says it, I get this super strong gut feeling and I know he genuinely means it. This was definitely worth the wait. I never really understood love but now I can feel it more than I ever had before. Love is not forced. It is what it is. It's just there whether you think about it or not for the most unexplainable reasons.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Keeping My Head Up with New Goals

So, since I feel like I've constantly been down lately I'm starting to look up. I've realized I don't want to contribute to something or someone unless I'm ready to give it or them, my all. I don't want to get my hopes up or anything of the sorts so it's better to play it safe. I'd rather focus on my current goal.. one of which won't change in a month. I have to work on ME. I've been deciding on changing my major from Hospitality Management to Business Administration to hopefully Accounting/Finance (if I figure out that that's what I like best). After I finish school, I think I'll want to make the trip out to Cali and live out there. I figure there's probably more for me there than around Massachusetts. Since I have just about nothing here besides my job, school and the couple of people I talk to, there's a good reason to move out and leave those things behind. Even if I don't make anymore friends around here anytime soon, I still have something to work towards. Something to look forward to. I've always wanted to work for Hot Topic. Maybe I can find a job over in their HeadQuarters some day. They have great style in my opinion and seem like a very fun company to work for. Then I won't have to worry about not getting a job because of my tattoos or piercings and continue being "me." I look forward to this despite everything else going on.

I don't have many people to talk to about this idea.. that's why I'm blogging about it. Still, no one's going to read this anyway :P

Friday, June 29, 2012

What goes on in my head.. No one will ever know.

I have no idea what the fuck is going on. I love him but can't be with him? I know exactly how he's feeling and that's why. That's exactly fucking why. I'm sitting here dying. Putting him through the same thing I've been through. Going through the same thing I'm going through. I can't breathe. I have no idea what to do. I want to save him and pull him in but I can't. I'm stopping myself from doing what I want to do but it's not what I want at all. It's something I'm used to. What I'm used to is easier, simpler. This isn't what I wanted to do.. or ever expected to do. I never expected to hurt someone like this because I'm so used to it being the other way around. What do you do then? I guess people always turn out to be something they're not.. even themselves.
       And here I am, I just want to scream and shake him. Maybe even just punch him straight in the face and say "I'm right here!" What more do you want? "I'm dying here can't you see that?" I'm trying so hard. It'll get you nowhere. It's not what's right, and it never will be. I know that, yet can't understand it. It's breaking everything apart. Even myself. Everything would be so perfect. No, it wouldn't. I can't see that and I can't wait until I do. What changed. Everything was so wonderful. But it wasn't. I can't understand something that I'm, here, doing myself.
      You always want to turn back and go back to a certain time after all decisions and mistakes were made. Scratch that, after experience was made.
     Maybe nothing is supposed to work out in the end. No one gets what they want nor what they deserve. It's always something less, or much greater. I guess only time will tell, but only if we can manage to make it that far.