So basically Chris wanted a blog all about him, so here we go. Chris I hate you. The end.

Just kidding! I love you, you're my best friend! Except I really do hate you because you lied about your birthday and you got me excited for no reason. Thanks a lot "Best Friend." PSHT. WE ARE OVER!!! OVERRRRR! No but let's hangout cause we should. Are you going to six flags with me? you should. I don't know what you expect to read in this but I'm just gunna go on about nothing cause you're a damn fool I say, Damn FOOL! Do you have a pool I want to go swimming right now. Sorry I'm going nuts. HAHAHA. Anyway, you're probably like the coolest person ever and you're so funny that it's not even funny so you basically contradict yourself and that's quite upsetting. Jesus. I expect so much from you yet, receive so little.. awkward. You know. hahhaha! Ugh, um so anyway I'm mad you're not going to warped tour but excited you're working tomorrow. I get to punch you and laugh. ;) I'm just going to add more and more to this every now and then but not tell you so you can keep checking my blog to see if I've added new stuff :D! <3!

Amanda Beard- My sister is incredibly weird.. but not really because she doesn't talk very much... She's funny though and I love her because she cares so much. I always envy her amazing art work and incredible intelligence... She was given all the good genes.. damnit. I'm really looking forward to living with her next year after I graduate. I have a feeling it's going to be probably the greatest time of my life. I love you so much Amanda!

Paul Kilian- So I don't really know this kid but he seems super awesome! He seems to have great taste in music and awesome hair :) He's also very nice from what I can see now and hopefully one day we can hangout at a show. :)

Breanna Gioioso- This girl is one of my favorite people to work with. She's so sweet and funny. She's extremely little but we are lovers. We have yet to hangout but it WILL happen soon. Whenever I'm around her I feel the need to protect her like I'm her mother but I know she is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. She's a beast.. but a hot beast ;)

Christopher Gonzalez- This kid is a weirdo. He totally didn't add me to facebook as soon as I saw him! Weird right? So we were not friends for a while but once he got the nerve to actually ADD ME, we officially became best friends :) No, but this kid's pretty cool, he doesn't talk to me too much but that's okay cause whenever we talk it's just sarcasm anyway haha. He's a great addition to Brooksby Village and my life! hehe :)

Drew Sweeney- I remember basically growing up with Drew since we went to the same elementary school. He's always been extremely nice even though I never see him anymore. I remember I would see him in school and he would always be laughing or would have a smile on his face. I remember in elementary school he'd always be interested in Pokemon and I thought that made him so awesome! Pokemon for the win! Drew's a pretty sweet kid.

Megan Klinetob- Megan is probably one of the nicest people I know. She's so sweet. Whenever I think about her it reminds me of photo. She was always concerned about photo club and I loved it! We never really hungout but I feel like we always got along really well :) She's a great girl and a hard worker but has fun all at the same time!

Steve Belair- So I don't exactly remember where I met Steve.. I think it was 8th grade homeroom with Mr. P. It was crazy.. especially in Science that year.. holy crap haha so many good times. Anyway, this kid's STILL in my homeroom and I think he's pretty awesome. He has awesome taste in music and has a great style.. although I'm jealous cause his gauges are bigger than mine.. which isn't too cool. Steve's very blunt and usually tends to say whatever floats his boat. It's great.. most of the time :)

Sue Corsbie- Sue is probably one of the COOLEST parents I know. She's so funny! She fulfills my stomach every single time. It's almost like it's her main concern when I'm around is to fill my hungry little tummy. She makes me laugh constantly and she's great. Hopefully me and her will become better friends than me and her daughter. Because quite frankly her daughter does not see me anymore ;) I love you Sue! hehehe

Optimus Evan- This kid is extremely weird.. but it's okay cause it fits him to be that way. He's socially awkward.. at least when it comes to me. He has ridiculous stare-downs in which he can never win. He thinks he's a transformer but is not ;) just kidding. He's really a robot. He's a pretty awesome kid none the less whether he's being sarcastic or not. Everything that comes out of his mouth is hysterical and I love it :)

Anna Carey- Oh my goodness. This girl is AMAZING. She's funny, sweet, adorable, and she's got a good head on her shoulders. She seems so much older than she actually is cause she's extremely mature for her age. I've only got to know her personally within a week but that was enough to let me know how awesome she is. She's totally gorgeous and has a great perspective and understanding of live.

KARA ECKMANN!- I love this little thing so much! AH! She's insane and I love her ability to be herself and not be afraid what anyone else thinks. She understands things and actually gets it. Her music taste is great and she's an absolute babe. I miss that we don't hangout as much or that we haven't had a class together for so long.. but hopefully.. THAT WILL CHANGE. She's a cutie and I love her! I miss the elephants Kara :( let's make more! :D

Alycia Corsbie- I LOVE THIS GIRL JUST BECAUSE THE FACT THAT SHES A GIRL. We've grown up together since the beginning of middle school and have never ceased to have good times together. She's incredible amazing and gorgeous and I love the hell out of her. She's probably just about the funniest person I have ever met in my life. I remember when she was GHETTO

Steve Storer- This kid honestly needs to chill out a bit, he's all over the place haha. He's a really good friend and is so sweet and nice. He's so into music, probably more than any other person I've met. He'll talk to you about bands for hours.. or days if you let him. It's insane. He's a little uncoordinated and I like to hit him to to calm him down. One day he'll be a part of a very successful band and he'll be very happy about it. His dedication inspires me to do new things and actually get ahead in life.

Nicole C- Nicole is my favorite adult, who is not even pregnant. I'm so excited because once she has her baby I am going to babysit it and have parties with it everyday! I love Nicole so much and she's like my favorite Service Coach on the face of Brooksby Village because she talks to me about my life and continually stalks me via Facebook. She's incredible even though she likes to break my phone screen and eat my food. She is wonderful and I will continue to check up on her baby making process. ;)

Lucie Stanton- Lucie is probably one of the sweetest people I know. I love her and she's hott too so that's a plus! We had some dumb issue before high school so that wasted some valuable time in our friendship. I'm so glad that she and I hangout and talk again because she's always been so fun to hangout with. We would do absolutely nothing when we hungout except eat cheesy broccoli, it was so great. I could never compare anyone to Lucie because she is such an individual. I don't think I can think of anyone that could ever live up to her as a person. She's such a strong and independent woman ;)

Sophie Rokosz- Sophie is the most adorable little youngling I know. She's so mature but so cuteee! She has an incredible taste and music too. She gives me such strong hope because after I've learned what she's been through in her life it allows me to see hows she dealt with it. She gives me hope. To be through so much at such a young age makes me think that anyone can get through anything as long as they're strong enough to try. Sophie is such a huge inspiration in my life and I love her completely.

Joe Church- Joe Church is basically one of the most "out there" people. He doesn't care what people think when he does random shit to them in public hahaha it's so great. I will always remember the time he threw invisible ink on random people passing by in the halls at school. So funny. He's always there and he really does care.. most of the time.. even though he doesn't always show it too well. He's a great kid although he's hard to read most of the time and he can get quite distant. I love him though, and I always will because he's himself. He's Joe Church.
Sarah Nesbitt- She is basically a psycho killer on meds. Just kidding. No but I love her almost as much as I love food. That's basically.. um.. A LOT. She never sees me enough and forgets about me often.. it's okay though cause I've grown used to it.. It's quite upsetting actually. I miss when she makes me constantly pee. I love wetting myself at unexpected moments. Hopefully one day she will realize that I actually love her a lot and maybe she'll actually hangout with me for a change. ASSHOLE. WHAT?! Sorry that was uncalled for.
Anyone else who wants a thinger just let me know! :D
bitch put me on.
ReplyDeleteaw rachael i don't forget about you! i'm just incredibly flaky sometimes :\ i actually love you a lot and i miss like hanging out twenty four seven and i think that should begin again ASAPEE. <3333