Saturday, July 10, 2010

Not Waiting.

You know how aggravating it is sitting around and waiting for someone? Either literally or figuratively. For example, waiting around for someone to answer you if you're supposed to hangout with them a certain day. Or waiting for them to finish other just-made plans? It gets so irritating. I'm not going to sit around all day waiting for you to be able to hangout. I could be doing something else, or hanging out with someone else. Obviously if something comes up or your running late for whatever reason I mean that's fine. I'm talking about people who always do this. Waiting for rides if your car is in the shop or being used by your older sister.. or you just don't drive is also super annoying.
Waiting for someone relationship speaking is a whole other issue. People are just aggravating. I think if people keep you waiting you can go do whatever the hell you want. You shouldn't be restricted from talking to people because
they're not ready. What the hell is that? I mean if they don't care then it's whatever but if they're up your ass about talking to other people, forget it. Fact: this is just my opinion not what I'm actually dealing with (I mean the relationship part of this).

1 comment:

  1. Sarah Nesbitt:
    "Some people are worth waiting for, and if they're not, then there isn't really any sense in getting aggrivated / frustrated with waiting for them, because they don't matter. Waiting should be worth it if you want to see the person enough, and if it isn't then you should re-think spending time with them. If the person always makes you wait, make them wait - theyll show you that they care by making the effort, and if they don't, that's their problem. don't stress yourself out."
